AIP Flatbread Recipe – Make Sandwiches or Wraps!

We can understand why you might be missing the staple foods in your life when you are following the Autoimmune Protocol diet, but it doesn’t have to be this way.

All you have to do is be prepared to make your own recipes from scratch, and you can still enjoy some foods that are similar to what you would usually eat on a daily basis.

One of the things that many people miss on the AIP diet is bread, and if this is the case for you, then don’t worry. You can actually make your own AIP-friendly flat bread by following our recipe and method. This means that you can keep enjoying the foods that you love and follow your diet. 

In this article, we are going to tell you everything that you need to know to be able to make your own AIP flatbread, so you don’t have to miss out any longer. We are going to provide you with a recipe, method, and more information about this flatbread and how to store it below. 

AIP-Friendly Bread

Thankfully, when you are following an AIP diet, there are lots of alternatives that you can turn to that will allow you to make recipes to replicate your favorite foods. There are lots of things that this diet will eliminate from your pantry, but this doesn’t mean that you have to say goodbye to bread forever.

Sometimes, it can take some trial and error to get your perfect recipe, which is why we are here to help you with this by eliminating the stress of perfecting the recipe.

AIP Flatbread Tips And Tricks

For the best results when you are creating your own AIP flatbread, you can follow these tips below:

  1. You should make sure to use a small non-stick crepe pan if possible when you are following this recipe, as this is what will work the best. If you only have access to a larger non-stick pan, this will work fine too, but you may have to cut your flatbread in half once you have cooked it. This will make it more manageable. You might also find that you have to cook it for longer. When you are using a large pan, you might find that you have to almost double the cooking time for each side, so be sure to keep a close eye on your bread.
  2. The batter that you create in preparation should be runny, rather than really thick. If you need to, you can add more milk or water to make it this way.
  3. The recipe that we are going to share with you tells you to cook the bread for 4 minutes on either side at first, and then you may have to adjust the time downwards as your pan gets hotter. 4 minutes on either side is a great guide to have in mind, but if you notice that your bread is gummy in the middle or isn’t flipping easily, you will need to give it more time. They will bubble up at first and then once the bubbles recede you can flip them.
  4. It can also be helpful to put your bread on a baking rack after you have cooked it to let them get air all around them. If you do not have a rack, you could put them on a plate, but they tend to get a bit sticky/gummy/wet if you stack them before they are completely cool. So make sure to not stack them.

Using Tigernut Flour Vs Cassava Flour

One of the best things about this recipe is that you can use different types of flour if you have a personal preference. Both cassava and tigernut flour will provide you with great results, but the tigernut flour does tend to produce results that are slightly darker and sweeter. You may also notice that your bread is a bit thinner.

The cassava flour is the most likely to make your bread taste more like traditional pita bread than the tigernut version. It is up to you to decide which one you want to make, but you might want to consider trying them both the first time. This means that you can try both options and see which one you prefer.

Although, for a sweeter version, we recommend using tigernut flour, and for a more savory version, we recommend using cassava flour.

Freezing The AIP Flatbread To Avoid Wastage

Another great thing about this recipe is that the final results will freeze well. This is an essential when you are making most of your food from scratch, as it means that you never have to waste anything.

As well as this, you can make it in larger batches to freeze it and defrost in smaller amounts.

To freeze this flatbread, all you have to do is make up your batch, and then put a piece of parchment paper in between each slice of bread. You can then put it in either a freeze bag or a freezer-safe container and put your bread in the freezer.

When it comes time to eat them, you should remove the desired amount from the freezer and thaw your bread on the countertop or in the fridge for a few hours.

You could also thaw them in a pan on a low heat, in the oven for a few minutes, or in the microwave for 10 to 15 seconds. You can then use it as you wish to.

Things To Keep In Mind

  • This recipe does not work well when using stainless steel pans, and you should always use a non-stick pan
  • You can add some water to make the mixture less thick if you need to
  • You could also use a non-stick griddle pan for this recipe
  • If the bread is not fully cooked, you can put it back over the heat to finish them off
  • Different brands of flour can offer differing results
  • If your bread does turn out gummy, try putting it in the microwave for 10 to 30 seconds as this can sometimes help, depending on the flour you have used

Things That You Might Need

If you want to follow this recipe, here are some of the things that you might need:

  • 8-inch non-stick pan or a crepe pan
  • A bowl for mixing all of your ingredients together
  • A baking cooling rack to allow the bread time to air out as it cools
  • Your preferred type of flour. Either cassava or tigernut flour works the best
  • Guar gum-free coconut milk or your own homemade version

AIP Flatbread Recipe

Now that you know exactly what equipment and ingredients you need to get started, you are pretty much good to go.

There are lots of different brands to choose from when it comes to the flour and milk that is needed for this recipe, but if you have a brand in particular that you know and love, be sure to use their products.

Otherwise, it may take some trial and error to find the products that work the best for you.

Unfortunately, there can be some variation between brands, especially where flour is concerned. Some flours can lead your mixture to become quite gummy, whereas others do not.

If you do find that your bread turns out gummy, try our method of putting it in the microwave for 10 to 30 seconds, to see if this will help.

Otherwise, it might be worth trying a different brand of flour next time you decide to follow this recipe.

Once you have all of your ingredients and equipment ready, it is time to get started. We will leave our recipe below for you to follow.

It is worth being aware that this recipe should provide you with 4 flatbreads, so you can change the measurements accordingly if you want to create more or less than this.

The preparation time for this recipe should take no longer than 5 minutes.

The cook time for this recipe should take no longer than 20 minutes.

The total time for creating this delicious flatbread recipe is 25 minutes.

Ingredients List

  • 1 13.5 oz can of Coconut Milk or 1.5 cups of homemade Coconut Milk or Tigernut Milk
  • 3/4 cup Cassava Flour or Tigernut Flour
  • 3/4 cup Tapioca Flour or Arrowroot Powder
  • 1 Pinch of Sea Salt


  1. The first thing that you need to do is preheat a small non-stick pan over a medium heat
  2. Next, you will need to mix all of the ingredients together in a bowl. If you are using tigernut flour, make sure that all of the lumps are broken apart as it does often clump together. Make sure that the batter is somewhat runny, as you don’t want it to be really thick. You can add either water or milk to make it thinner if you need to.
  3. You will now need to por enough batter into the pan to cover the bottom surface of the pan. It should be around ⅛ to ¼ inch thick. This will be just a little bit thicker than a crepe would be. 
  4. Next, you should cook the bread for 3 to 4 minutes on either side. You may need to make the time longer than 4 minutes if the batter does not look completely dry when you come to flip it. You may also need to lower the amount of time if you are starting to notice too many brown or black spots. The spots themselves are fine, but it will start to burn if you keep cooking. You will more than likely notice that the cooking times get less the more bread that you cook, as the pan will be hotter. Just be sure to keep an eye on your bread to ensure that it is not over or under cooked.
  5. If you do start to notice that your batter is sticking to the pan, you might want to add a small amount of oil. This is more likely to happen if you are using an older pan that is starting to lose its non-stick properties. If you are not using a non-stick pan, then you will definitely need to use some oil or cooking spray.