If you’ve ever been on vacation in Austin, Texas, then you might be wondering where to start when it comes to getting a decent meal. Well, luckily for you Austin is known for its amazing diversity of foods, giving you everything from the barbeque, Korean to Mexican dishes.
If you are on the paleo diet, then the task of finding somewhere to eat might be made doubly hard. Finding a place that will serve you whole foods is very important if you are looking to keep your diet in complete sync with our ancestors.
In a time where restaurants add so many preservatives to your food, you’ll need to be sure that all the meats, vegetables and fruit they use are 100% organic.

But never fear, there are plenty of really good restaurants in this state that give you everything that you need for a solid paleo diet. These ingredients are freshly prepped using natural methods and to a very high standard. You’ll feel simply great after trying out some of their paleo dishes.
But where can you find the best paleo restaurants in Austin? What kind of food can you expect them to dish out for you? How good are the ingredients? How highly have people rated them? What is customer service like? Can you be sure of getting everything that you want?
Well, if you are in Austin and are struggling to find a good place to eat, then we would suggest that you keep reading. These restaurants are amazing in terms of service, food quality and overall hygiene. They have been highly rated by the people of Austin and come with plenty of great reviews online.
Picnik Austin
This first restaurant is probably the best when it comes to paleo foods. They commit to removing all preservatives from their dishes, whether it is gluten, soy, peanut or even corn. However, this is not to say that this food isn’t prepared with the highest standards of excellence, from rustic lamb cutlets to homemade tacos – introducing Picnik Austin.
This restaurant is compliant with Whole30, which is a diet regimen that is committed to the elimination of artificial preservatives and unhealthy dietary additions such as sugar, alcohol, grains and soy. You can be sure that they will have everything to cater to all members of the family and their dietary requirements.
Dai Due
This next restaurant combines all the ambiance of a butcher’s shop and the dedication and culinary expertise of a five-star restaurant. This is a place that uses whole meats and oils that will ensure you will not break any paleo rules that you’ve set for yourself. This comes with plenty of positive reviews from customers – introducing Dai Due.
This comes with a fermentation process that guarantees that you will be able to preserve all the different types of meat and vegetables. This restaurant also doesn’t sacrifice any flavor, they prep these ingredients with a high degree of skill and, dare we say it, care.
Snap Kitchen
This next restaurant gives you their food in packages so you can identify what exactly is in them as well as which ones are paleo and which ones are Whole30 compliant. These dishes are cooked and packaged with the utmost care and attention to detail.
Snap Kitchen comes with plenty of very positive customer reviews, which people especially commenting on the great customer service and the taste of the packed food. This is great for office workers or people in a rush who want to take their food away with them.
True Food Kitchen
This next restaurant blends summery California-style food with paleo ingredients, making sure that you have everything you need to not only fill you up, but will also make sure that you aren’t sacrificing your paleo diet. This place has great facilities and will make sure only to use whole ingredients – introducing True Food Kitchen.
This is the place to eat lean meats and vegetables, which is exactly what you need to keep you in shape, as well as giving you a dose of protein that will help you build muscle. There are numerous patrons of this restaurant that like to pop by this restaurant on their way home from the gym.
This restaurant has plenty of gluten-free options, making it their mission to concentrate on fresh produce, using honey or fresh lemon instead of processed garnish to give you rich and organic flavors without any harmful ingredients – introducing Koriente.
This restaurant serves only fresh ingredients and customers have commented on the sheer versatility of the menu. If you are a fan of salads that fill your belly, then we would definitely recommend that you go to this restaurant, particularly as it comes very highly rated online with plenty of thumbs up from customers.

Flower Child
This next restaurant has plenty of options, with one of their main signature dishes being freshly-made vegetarian and vegan options. This is a great place to go if you need a quick and healthy snack on your break from the office – introducing Flower Child.
Casa De Luz
This restaurant sources plenty of organic and natural ingredients from the local area, with a menu that changes daily, so you won’t have to worry about getting as much variety as possible in your meal. These ingredients are listed on their website, which is great for those people who like to plan ahead – introducing Casa De luz.
This place comes with plenty of salads practically brimming with whole ingredients. This is the perfect place to get your vegetarian protein, with a menu that completely conforms to paleo principles – introducing Juiceland.
This next restaurant has a really diverse menu, with salads, pastries and bowls of mixed vegetables that will be sure to give you a healthy dose of minerals and vitamins to boost your palette – introducing Forthright.
This restaurant does its fair share of very diverse salads, with dressings that come with coconut milk, smoothies, broth and soups that you can be sure will give you that little pick me up either as a lunchtime treat or a full-blown evening meal with friends – introducing Curcuma.
Wholly Cow Burgers
As you might have guessed from the title, this restaurant uses grass-fed organic meat in its burgers, and judging by the reviews, they are every bit as delicious as the pictures state. They also serve it with paleo-friendly bacon and vegetables – introducing Wholly Cow Burgers.
Honest Mary’s
Next, we have a restaurant that allows you to customize your bowl, with grains and sweet potato dishes that are healthy, giving you a boost of both protein and carbohydrates – introducing Honest Mary’s.

24 Diner
Whether it is delicious bacon and an avocado burger or sweet potato hash, you can get all the flavors with none of the artificial ingredients – introducing the 24 Diner.
Hillside Pharmacy
This restaurant has plenty of paleo-friendly ingredients that you can choose from, whether it is roasted chicken or simple bangers and eggs. This is one of Austin’s favorite paleo restaurants – introducing Hillside Pharmacy.
This final restaurant is a delicious Mexican with plenty of whole ingredients to give you all the natural flavors of Spanish cuisine. You can be sure that you’ll have everything that you need to quell those taste buds and fill your belly for a few hours – introducing Fresa’s.
What Is Paleo?
Paleo is getting back to basics when it comes to food. The reasoning is that our evolutionary biology hasn’t changed in over a few million years, so why should our dietary habits? The emphasis here is on whole meats, vegetables and dairy, with zero artificial preservatives and flavors.
Some people really do swear by this diet, saying that the lack of grains and artificial ingredients helps with certain autoimmune conditions and gut inflammation. You can be sure that you will notice a difference in your health when you stop eating certain overly processed foods.
That is not to say that this diet is not without its skeptics. There are plenty of people who say that the human diet has made subtle changes over the past few thousand years to acclimatize to changes in our diet. However, the paleo diet will certainly not do you any harm, as it only contains natural and whole ingredients.
Our Final Say
We hope that our list of paleo restaurants in Austin has helped you to decide where you and your paleo-loving friends might eat out next. As we stated before, this is a place that is brimming with culture and great eating places. If you have strict dietary restrictions, there is no reason why you can’t get all the delicious flavors that you would get at any other restaurant.