If you have recently decided to undergo the Whole30 diet, you may be wondering where the best place to purchase your food is without breaking the bank. Believe it or not, Trader Joe’s is fantastic as they provide all kinds of food that you can incorporate into your diet without leaving your bank account empty.
Not only is Trader Joe’s ideal for looking for foods for the Whole30 diet but it is also great if you know someone who requires options for the paleo diet as well. The Whole30 diet is a month-long program that can help to promote weight loss as well as helping to improve energy, mood and sleep levels.

In this guide, we’ve gathered the perfect shopping list for your Whole30 diet that you can purchase at Trader Joe’s alongside some tips and hints that you can apply to make the most of your diet.
Shopping at Trader Joe’s can be intimidating if you haven’t been there before due to how much choice they have the size of some of the stores. However, once you have learned how to navigate the shop, you’ll be able to find a lot of deals and be able to do your shopping quicker. Knowing where everything is is also beneficial as you won’t be as susceptible to temptation buys that have been strategically placed around the store.
If you are aware of where the snacks are and other non-Whole30 foods then you will know what parts of the store you need to avoid. After shopping at Trader Joe’s a few times, you’ll be able to get a handle on the place and become familiar with the various brands and what will suit your Whole30 lifestyle.
So what can be quite confusing initially? Trader Joe’s is known for using their own labelling and packaging which can be unclear at first as well as having a store layout that strays from the norm.
Fruits and vegetables
The most important component of your Whole30 diet is the fruit and vegetable portion. This is because they provide the majority of your vitamins and minerals and will be incorporated into all of your meals. Here are just some of the fruits and vegetables that you should consider purchasing:
- Bag of cauliflower rice
- Bag of mandarin oranges
- Bag of riced broccoli
- Frozen bag of bell peppers
- Frozen bag of cauliflower rice
- Frozen bag of onions
- Selection of pre-cut and prepared vegetables
Having a wide selection of fruits and vegetables will give you more variety when it comes to preparing your meals. Trader Joe’s has an extensive range of fruits and vegetables meaning that you won’t be stuck for choice.
They have a variety of pre-riced cauliflower and pre-riced broccoli which can be used in all sorts of casserole dishes. Buying the vegetables pre-cut can also save you a lot of time when it comes to the preparation process which is great for those who have hectic schedules and want to make dishes that don’t take that long to cook.
Aside from the prepared cauliflower and broccoli, you can also purchase mixes that contain shredded carrots and sweet potato ribbons. Whether you want to purchase your vegetables separately or have them mixed, you’ll be able to get whatever suits you best.
The fruit and vegetable section is all found in the fresh produce section and is all in bags so you don’t have to worry about wasting space picking up individual fruits and vegetables. They have plenty of organic and non-organic options as well for you to choose from.
For those who can’t resist having meat in their diet, you don’t have to worry about excluding it from your Whole30 diet.
Making sure that you choose meats that have not been made without any extra ingredients. Here are some great options that you should consider:
- Frozen grass fed beef steak
- Spicy Italian chicken sausage
- Sundried tomato and basil chicken sausage
As mentioned before, making sure that the meat doesn’t have any additional artificial ingredients such as flavorings will ensure that the meat maintains its healthy nutrients. The chicken sausages mentioned above are the only ones that are compliant to the Whole30 diet so make sure that you don’t purchase any of the other flavors.
The grass fed beef steak is probably the best option as this doesn’t include any further ingredients and ensures that the cow hasn’t been exposed to any artificial foods making it ideal for those who want their diet to be as organic as possible.
Dry goods
When organizing your shopping list, it’s important to make sure you fill it with plenty of dry goods. This is because it is your dry stock that will help to flavor your dishes without compromising your Whole30 diet. Here are some dry goods that are essential to your Whole30 diet:
- Assorted nuts and seeds
- Bag of blanched almond flour
- Bag of organic flaked coconut
- Bottle of organic coconut aminos
- Jar of cashew butter
- Jar of double roasted salsa
- Olives
- Organic chicken stock
- Organic vegetable stock
- Pickles
Trader Joe’s has a wide selection of dry goods and are always adding to their range. If you begin to shop regularly at Trader Joe’s then it’s best to keep an eye out on any new products that you can add to your Whole30 diet. When there is a new product that has been released, Trader Joe’s will work on a cheaper option which is shortly released in stores so you don’t have to spend lots of money on your shops.
An example of this is coconut aminos which have recently been released and have been incredibly popular. The organic vegetable stock and chicken stock don’t have any added sugar meaning that it is a great addition to your meals and will add that flavor without affecting your diet.
Other great options for dry goods also include:
- Coconut flakes
- Jarred olives
- Jarred pickles
- Nut butters which includes almond and cashew
- Salsa without any added sugars
- Selection of nuts varying from raw, roasted or salted
- Spices and seasonings
If you love to bake then you’ll love Trader Joe’s baking section. They have a variety of almond flours and among meals which can be used for thickening different dishes such as stews and soups. Baking isn’t really allowed throughout the Whole30 diet but if you have a sweet tooth then this section is great for you. Here are some snacks that you can eat in moderation through the Whole30 diet:
- Bag of organic Turkish apricots
- Grain free granola
- Lara Bars
- RX Bars
Snacks shouldn’t be eaten a lot through the Whole30 diet but if you keep them in portions and have them in moderation, then you’ll be able to still see the benefits of the diet. Make sure that you are eating at regular intervals in order to ensure that your blood sugar levels are steady.
If you snack constantly, then you’ll find that your sugar intake is too high. However, having some snacks is important as you should always be able to find that balance, especially at the start of the Whole30 diet.
Here are some more snacks from Trader Joe’s that you should buy during your shop:
- Chomps Sticks
- Epic Bars
- Grainless granola
- Lara Bars
- Plantain Chips
- RX Bars
- Turkish Dried Apricots
Dried fruit contains a lot of concentrated sugar which means that you should have small amounts at a time but they are great as a daytime snack if you have a sweet tooth. If you have started the Whole30 diet then having some snacks to hand can be fantastic if you find yourself in a pinch.
Dips, sauces and seltzer
When you have prepared your meals, it’s important to have a wide selection of different dips and sauces that will make your dishes even better. Having the right kind of accompaniment to your meal will mean that you can adhere to your Whole30 diet while also enjoying tasty food.
- Basil pesto
- Cashew pesto
- Chunky spicy guacamole
- Kale pesto
- Prepared guacamole
- Seltzer water bottles
If you are preparing bland meals then choosing the right sauce or dip will help to enhance the characteristics of your food.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are plantain chips from Trader Joe’s Whole30?
Plantain chips can be part of the Whole30 diet thanks to the limited amount of ingredients. Provided that the chips are made from coconut oil, Himalayan sea salt and plantains, they will be Whole30 compliant.
Trader Joe’s have a variety of different choices and it’s important to read the ingredients closely to make sure that they don’t have any added sugar or any other artificial ingredients.
When it comes to what kind of Himalayan sea salt to choose, always go for the pink salt option as they provide a natural flavoring which guarantees that there won’t be any extra ingredients.
Can I eat pickles on Whole30?
Pickles can be incorporated as a vital part of the Whole30 diet. This is because they are made from cucumber and vinegar which means that there won’t be any problems.
The majority of vinegars are compliant with the Whole30 diet which means that you should double check what kind of vinegar the pickles are made from.
Is the Trader Joe’s ‘Everything’ bagel seasoning Whole30?
If you absolutely love the ‘Everything’ bagel and you’re starting the Whole30 diet then you don’t have to worry as it is compliant with both the Whole30 diet and the Paleo diet.
This is because the ingredients used in the salad and seasonings are individually compliant meaning that you can enjoy as many as you want.
Is Trader Joe’s almond beverage Whole30 compliant?
Trader Joe’s almond beverage is made using only four ingredients which are organic sweet almonds, sea salt, sunflower lecithin and water. The unsweetened almond beverage is extremely cheap and Whole30 compliant meaning that you can incorporate it into your lifestyle.
What is great about the almond beverage is that it is lactose-free, non-dairy and vegan so it can be suited for even more lifestyles thanks to its variety of health benefits.
Can you have bacon on a Whole30 diet?
When it comes to having meat during the Whole30 diet, it’s important to read the ingredients closely. This is because you have to make sure that there are no extra ingredients that have been added.
The same logic applies to bacon as you should avoid purchasing any that have added sugar. There are plenty of options that have a sugar free option for bacon which is great if you want to include bacon in your diet.
Can you eat potatoes on Whole30?
When it comes to knowing what potatoes are allowed on the Whole30 diet, it does depend on what kind of potato you are wanting to have as well as how it is cooked.
White potatoes are compliant with the Whole30 diet whereas processed potatoes such as potato chips and French fries are not allowed. If you want to have potatoes in your diet then make sure you have something like baked, mashed or roasted white potatoes.
Overall, knowing what to buy before you visit Trader Joe’s will mean that you won’t be as tempted to buy things that aren’t on your list. Being prepared will also mean that you can have a meal plan in mind which will save you money in the long run as well as ensuring that all of your meals are Whole30 compliant.
The best way to think about what foods are compliant is trying to purchase foods that are as organic and natural as possible while trying to avoid any processed foods and foods without any added ingredients such as artificial flavorings.